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Cottonwood is a long-standing accounting practice headquartered in Albuquerque New Mexico.

We are successful and stable business with a varied portfolio of clients that value the professional and personal service we deliver.

We are the leading accounting and financial advisory

in the Southwest for families and family run businesses.

We are reliable, long-term business partners


We know that where business, life, finance and family intersect is complex.

This space is our speciality and we do it well. We pride ourselves on:






Personal Attention







Experts at navigating the intersection

of business, life, finance and family.


We help our clients develop the financial strength and security they need to support

themselves and those that rely on them, today and into the future. We share their

visions and values, take time to understand their affairs, and are qualified to lead the

management of their financials, year-round.

Brain Laws
CEO and Account Director

Rovid earum consequat volorest modi dissum int perchit ut a nullupt atasit fugit aut officipsam, quunt miligent andel incidem am quis non eum quae voloreptatur simperibus natiistinum cum corumet, occum ant pro odi con pro eatis sant aut litium cum explist eos di illes exerion sequisc.

Asa Laws
CEO and Account Director

Rovid earum consequat volorest modi dissum int perchit ut a nullupt atasit fugit aut officipsam, quunt miligent andel incidem am quis non eum quae voloreptatur simperibus natiistinum cum corumet, occum ant pro odi con pro eatis sant aut litium cum explist eos di illes exerion sequisc.

Janet Silva
CEO and Account Director

Rovid earum consequat volorest modi dissum int perchit ut a nullupt atasit fugit aut officipsam, quunt miligent andel incidem am quis non eum quae voloreptatur simperibus natiistinum cum corumet, occum ant pro odi con pro eatis sant aut litium cum explist eos di illes exerion sequisc.